Our Mission
- We believe in regular worship, the sacraments, and teaching the Word of God through scripture, preaching, education, and relationship.
- We encourage giving ourselves and our treasures as witness to God’s love.
- We welcome all people into our Christian family.
Staff, Vestry and Altar Guild
The Rev. Samuel T. Vaught
The Rev. Jane Tillman
Priest Associate
Senior Warden- Jorja Marsden
Junior Warden- Martha Bodine
Treasurer-John Davies
Secretary-Sebastian Bonner

The Town of Stockbridge began as a mission to the Mahican Indians. The Reverend John Sergeant was sent as the first missioner to the Berkshires by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in 1734. As the town grew and attracted English and Dutch settlers, the Indian Mission developed into what is now the Stockbridge Congregational Church. Among Sergeant’s noteworthy successors at Stockbridge were the great Puritan preacher Jonathan Edwards and the beloved David Dudley Field. In 1834, following the disestablishment of the Congregational Church in Massachusetts, a small group of townspeople organized the first Anglican worship in Stockbridge, incorporating St. Paul’s Church.

Art & Architecture
As you enter the church, in the west wall (to your immediate left) are three windows of Fra Angelico angels with musical instruments. These windows were brought from the original wooden church. The intersecting circular arches of the west facade were designed to mirror the gothic shape of the three windows.