The Reverend Samuel T. Vaught
The Reverend Samuel T. Vaught joined St. Paul’s as Rector in January 2024. A native of Indiana, Father Sam was ordained to the priesthood in 2020 in the Diocese of Indianapolis. After serving his curacy at All Saints, Indianapolis, he spent some time as a chaplain at Butler University. Father Sam has degrees from Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Indiana, and Berkeley Divinity School/Yale Divinity School in New Haven, Connecticut. Prior to seminary, he spent time in the Episcopal Service Corps and with the Iona Community in Scotland. Father Sam has family roots in the Southern Berkshires and is excited to call this beautiful region home. He is passionate about the worship of God in Jesus Christ, Christian formation for all ages, and living the Christian life in a community of love for God and neighbor. Father Sam also loves music, especially our inherited Anglican musical tradition, and believes that art in its many forms can aid our devotion to God and inspire us to service. He lives in the rectory with his husband, Brett Roberts, and their sweet cat named Mystic (or just Missy). They love to travel, hike, explore bookstores and museums, and cook with friends. You can contact Father Sam by email at
The Reverend Jane Tillman
Priest Associate
The Rev. Jane G. Tillman became non-stipendiary Priest Associate at St. Paul’s in April 2016. Ordained as priest at St. Paul’s in 2014, her primary call has been as a supply priest in Berkshire County. At St. Paul’s, she assists with pastoral care and preaches and celebrates Eucharist monthly. A lifelong Episcopalian and native of North Carolina, Jane has lived in the Berkshires for over twenty years. Jane is a bi-vocational priest, whose fulltime job is Director of the Erikson Institute for Education and Research at the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge. Prior to ordination, as a layperson Jane taught Sunday School, served on the Vestry, was a lay reader, altar guild member, lay Eucharistic minister, and member of the Cathedral Chapter. She is interested in liturgy and in social justice issues and is a member of the Board of Examining Chaplains for the Diocese of Western Massachusetts. She attended the University of the South, earned her undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and completed her M.Div. at Duke University in 1987. After several years working as a flight paramedic on a helicopter, she completed her PhD in clinical psychology at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Jane gives thanks for the people of St. Paul’s and the faithful spiritual engagement maintained during the long season of COVID disruption.
The Reverend Libby Wade
Priest Associate
A native of Alabama, Libby earned a BA from Huntingdon College and did graduate study at Auburn University. While living in North Dakota as a young adult, she moved from the Southern Baptist Church to the Episcopal Church and knew she had arrived home. After several decades as a lay professional in the areas of music and Christian formation, Libby was ordained in 1998 in the Diocese of Kentucky. She studied at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary and received an MDiv from the General Theological Seminary (Episcopal). She served as priest at several congregations in Louisville, KY, retiring in 2014 after 10 years as Rector of Grace Church in Paducah, KY. She and her husband Jim moved to Lee, MA that summer and have thoroughly enjoyed the abundant cultural activities and natural beauty of the Berkshires. She quickly discovered a post-retirement vocation in Interim Ministry in the Diocese of Western MA and has served as Interim Priest in Williamstown, Southwick, Great Barrington, and twice here at St. Paul’s in Stockbridge. As of 2025, she has ‘hung up’ the Interim hat and become a non-stipendiary Priest Associate at St. Paul’s, the parish that has been a touchstone and home base between Interims for the last ten years. She is particularly interested in Christian formation and outreach, as well as empowering and resourcing lay ministry. She will continue to be a Sunday supply priest occasionally in other parishes in addition to St. Paul’s. Libby enjoys reading, playing piano, taking OLLI classes, using photography as a spiritual practice, and spending time with family, especially her three grandchildren.
Kyra Saltman
Parish Administrator
Kyra Saltman is an active cellist and arts administrator recently relocated to the Berkshires. She has toured the United States extensively as a member of the Petar Jankovic Ensemble, and was the Director of Chamber Music at the Music Institute of Chicago. She is currently the Executive Director of Musica Sacra, a choral ensemble in Cambridge, MA, the operations manager for the Berkshire Opera Festival, and parish administrator at St. Paul’s. Her daughter Adara attended St. Paul’s Children’s Center.
David Smith
Pianist & Organist
David Smith has served as one of St. Paul’s musicians since December 2022. A resident of Columbia
County, NY, he is Artistic Director of Concerts in the Village and Conductor of its resident ensembles, the Broad Street Chorale and Orchestra, and the Chatham Festival Chorus. He is a member of the Broad Street Trio. Smith holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Harvard in English literature and musicology, as well as MA and MPhil degrees from Yale in music theory. He was a student of Nadia Boulanger at Les Ecoles d’Art Américaines de Fontainebleau in Paris, France. He has also been a Conducting Fellow at the Aspen Music Festival and School and is a frequent performer on piano, harpsichord and organ. Aside from his musical experience, he has had a career in retail management and finance, following studies at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. David was born in Troy, NY, where an early and influential teacher was Russell Locke of the Emma Willard School. He is past President of the Columbia County Historical Society and The Fifty Group of Columbia County.
Nancy King
Pianist & Organist
Nancy grew up in a northern Boston suburb and graduated from Tufts University. She took piano lessons as a child and began organ study in high school. She moved to New Jersey with her husband, and after their two daughters were in school she enrolled in Kean College of NJ and earned a post baccalaureate major in organ performance and music education. She also earned the Colleague of the American Guild of Organists certificate. Nancy was an organist, choir director, and piano teacher for many years in NJ, and upon retiring to the Berkshires in 2000 she became organist/director for Trinity Lutheran Church in Sheffield and later here at St. Paul’s for several years until the COVID pandemic. She is currently playing 2 Sundays a month at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Salisbury, CT, and on free Sundays back at St. Paul’s. Nancy is an avid biker and volunteer trail steward with the Berkshire National Resources Council.
Darryl Lafferty
Darryl Lafferty arrived at St. Paul’s Stockbridge on Epiphany 2020, having previously served as verger at St. Paul’s Kinderhook, N.Y. Darryl is a cradle Episcopalian and native of Kinderhook, New York where he currently resides. Serving in the Episcopal Church has been a lifelong journey for him. Beginning as a youth acolyte, crucifer, thurifer, assistant sexton, choir member, lector, lay eucharistic minister, vestry member, cantor, verger, and licensed as a lay leader in the Diocese of Western Massachusetts. Recently retired, Darryl has over thirty years’ experience as a hospitality professional driven by a commitment to serve others. He fosters an environment of continuous learning and development, is a builder of lasting relationships and engages with the community to explore opportunities. Darryl earned his undergraduate degree from Marist College in 2018 and was recognized for his commitment to adult education as the recipient of the Spirit of Adult Education Award.
Lisa Kane
St. Paul’s Children’s Center Director
The Vestry is the “Board” of the Parish. At the Parish’s Annual Meeting, four officers are elected for one-year terms. Other vestry members serve three-year terms. The Vestry shares in leadership of the parish and is the corporate body for parish decision-making. Working collegially with the Rector, the Vestry is charged with wisely managing the legal and fiscal affairs of the parish, ensuring that the buildings and grounds are cared for, supporting the work of the clergy, promoting the spiritual well-being of the congregation, and participating in visioning, goal-setting, and strategizing as needs are assessed and ministries developed. St. Paul’s is blessed by the commitment of the strong lay leadership on our current vestry.
Senior Warden- Jorja Marsden
Junior Warden- Rob Maloney
Treasurer-John Davies
Secretary-Virgil Stucker
Vestry Members
Class of 2026: Darryl Lafferty, David Pearson
Class of 2027: Christopher Johnson, Robert Maloney
Class of 2028: Michael Flamini, Deborah Pege, Kim Savery
Altar Guild

The Altar Guild works faithfully behind the scenes to prepare for our worship. Members of the Altar Guild prepare both the high and nave altars each Sunday. This ministry embodies the spirit of reverence with which our worship space is so deeply imbued. Thank you to Jennifer Carmichael, Tracy Johnson, Robin Race, Natalie Boyce, Ginny Willcox and Jorja Marsden.