Ash Wednesday Services in the church at 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM on Wednesday, March 5th
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Wednesday nights at 6pm in the Rectory, beginning Feb 21

Have you ever been on a pilgrimage? Would you like to learn more about them?

Join Father Sam in the Rectory on Wednesday nights in Lent for a formation series we’re calling “Pilgrimage to the Cross.” Each week, we’ll explore a different type of Pilgrimage and its relevance to our lives as together we make a common pilgrimage through the season of Lent. Feel free to come to one, a few, or the whole series! A simple supper of soup and bread will be served. If you think you might attend the first session, RSVP to Father Sam so we can have a rough count for food. All are welcome!

The schedule:

Feb 21: Pilgrimages to Holy Sites (Jerusalem, the Camino, Iona, etc.)

Feb 28: The Way of Cross (Stations of the Cross)

Mar 6: The Gifts of God for the People of God: The Pilgrimage to the Altar in Worship

Mar 13: Cradle to Grave: The Pilgrimage of Life

Mar 20: COVID-19: A Pilgrimage through Sickness

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