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The Kindness Bench is a place to slow down… pause…. listen and if you like, do nothing. It can be a place to share news of your day, news from your heart …your joy and your sorrows are welcome. The Kindness Bench is a no judgment zone. Singer songwriter JoAnne Spies (more info on the bench and JoAnne here) will bring different musical instruments, poems and creative prompts as well as the time to share silence. You may choose to listen to soothing sounds or collaborate on a song, a poem or a prayer. JoAnne is an interfaith minister and may bring prayers from different traditions to share. Make time for kindness and schedule a visit. Or just amble by and have a seat.

       WHERE: The bench is located on the east side of the church.
Or you may see JoAnne and her instruments on one of the brightly colored chairs.
In inclement weather come inside.

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