Traditional Episcopal worship is central to our ministry, but we also strive to embrace flexibility within those traditions to meet the needs of all our parishioners. We relish the celebration of the sacraments, however we also endeavor to explore adjustments in liturgy and try new programs, such as different forms of prayer or music, to enrich our worship and spiritual life. We also incorporate Christian educational opportunities and discussion groups to enhance the relationships of our parishioners with one another and the church. In addition to traditional worship, we also hold concerts and events that incorporate spirituality and provide another opportunity for both our parishioners and other members of the community to engage with the church and congregation.

Outside Eucharist
Outside Service with Music
Outside Service
Worship at St Paul's
Baptism at the Church

2023 St. Paul’s Annual Report

Annual Parish Meeting
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Stockbridge, MA

The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
February 11, 2024