Ash Wednesday Services in the church at 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM on Wednesday, March 5th
Sunday Service2023-06-26T19:08:46-04:00

Our Mission

  • We believe in regular worship, the sacraments, and teaching the Word of God through scripture, preaching, education, and relationship.
  • We encourage giving ourselves and our treasures as witness to God’s love.
  • We welcome all people into our Christian family.

Worship Services

Outdoor services take place July through early September. When it rains, we move inside. Live-streaming will resume in the fall of 2023.

Though masks are no longer required, we are a mask-friendly congregation.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Located on Main Street in the heart of historic Stockbridge, Massachusetts, St. Paul’s is an inviting and active Christian community.

Episcopalians have worshipped on this corner across from the famous Red Lion Inn for almost 200 years.

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