Ash Wednesday Services in the church at 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM on Wednesday, March 5th

Our Mission

  • We believe in regular worship, the sacraments, and teaching the Word of God through scripture, preaching, education, and relationship.
  • We encourage giving ourselves and our treasures as witness to God’s love.
  • We welcome all people into our Christian family.

Worship Services

Outdoor services take place July through early September. When it rains, we move inside. Live-streaming will resume in the fall of 2023.

Though masks are no longer required, we are a mask-friendly congregation.

Worship Through the Year

Blessing of the Animals
  • Arrival of the Three Kings on Sunday nearest Epiphany
    (with the Marian Fathers, Red Lion Inn, Congregational Church, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church)
  • Ash Wednesday Services
  • Holy Week Services with South County Episcopal/Lutheran Churches
    (St. Paul’s hosted Maundy Thursday in 2023)
  • Ascension Day Holy Eucharist with Picnic Supper (new in 2023)
  • Rogation Sunday Blessing of the Bounds of the Parish and Garden Clean Up Day with Picnic Lunch
  • Creation Season culminating with Blessing of the Animals on St. Francis Day
  • Community Thanksgiving Service with Congregational and Roman Catholic Churches
  • Christmas Family Service, Late Night Festival Eucharist, and Christmas Day Eucharist
  • Christmas Lessons and Carols

Prayers & Meditation

Wednesday Morning Prayer – 8:30 a.m.

Lay Worship Leader–Darryl Lafferty.

A simple service of morning prayers helps us all start the day with our eyes focused on God.
Join online
Meeting ID: 865 8163 8808 Passcode: 173902
or call +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 865 8163 8808

Prayer Basket

Throughout the week, especially from June-October, dozens of people visit St. Paul’s to observe the architectural beauty, learn about the history, and spend quiet time in prayer.  A recent visitor said, “Thank you for keeping this sacred space open.  It matters!”  On the nave altar, we offer printed prayers and paper/pen to write one’s own prayers.  The basket of those prayers is often overflowing when we lift it up at the offertory during Sunday worship.

Baptisms, Weddings, & Funerals

It is our honor to celebrate life events with you and a privilege to be invited into your deeply personal expressions of celebration and farewell. Whether or not you are a parishioner, you are most welcome to seek the guidance of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church clergy in planning a wedding, a baptism, or a loved one’s funeral.

Additional Services at St. Paul's
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